Emissions Monitoring
Gas Analysis Products for Domestic and Industrial Boilers
Portable flue gas analyzers are used to measure both the efficiency of combustion and the levels of pollutant gases. Improving the efficiency of a combustion process can not only make significant financial savings but also help to reduce atmospheric pollution. Analysers range from single gas pocket analysers to portable multi-gas data logging units for semi-continuous monitoring

Combustion Analyser
For use with larger heating installations the high suction double headed pump allows the KANE940 analyser to be used in flues with suction over 100 mbar without compromising ...

Combustion Analyser (China)
With a Chinese character display the KANE950 is for use with larger heating installations the high suction double headed pump allows the KANE950 analyser to be used in flues with...

Combustion Analyser
The KANE900 PLUS handheld analyser is easy to use for domestic and industrial boiler flue gas measurement and analysis. It operates on all boiler types and can display 8 parameters simult...

Quintox "Upgradeable" Combustion Analyser
The KM9106 Quintox has established itself as the most cost effective and versatile portable analyser for commercial emission monitoring
From its most basic f...

Manual smoke pump
For testing oil fired boilers.
Supplied with filter papers, smoke density chart and carry case.